Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lazy Days

Today was so lazy, I didn’t get anything done that I wanted to.  I basically fucked around all morning online, and then a friend called that was playing hooky from work and we went out for lunch.  Now I am making a video on Xtranormal about customers that are insane and drive people nuts.  I saw one today that was a Starbucks video, and it made me laugh forever, so I thought I could write one of my own.  Then off to make the kids some dinner and watch Parenthood tonight, I love that show.   I have finally picked up a few followers via the blog hop.  Hopefully will have more soon.  It’s hard when you first start a new blog to have people find you, especially when you are going for private followers that you do not actually know.  I know this blogs taste is not for everyone, but I am hoping to find people that can appreciate my point of view and humor.  Also readers that have some of the same interests as me, I say some and not all, as it is a pretty wide variety…..

I worked doing customer service for over a decade, and really enjoy it for the most part.  But sometimes customers can be ridiculous, and that is what the video is about.  So, I am going to spend my time today making that instead of writing here….so I hope you enjoy!  When I have it done (which could take a while), I will post it here….for now, please enjoy the Starbucks one I found so funny.

Stupid Starbucks Customer - Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.....

Oh yes, one more thing, TOP TEN TUESDAY:

Ten Shows I Loved That Got Cancelled Way Too Early

Better Off Ted


Sons Of Tucson

Dirty Sexy Money

The Mole

Fear Itself

Whose Line Is It Anyway

Thank God, You’re Here

Monk  (They never played the last season in Canada, which I am now going to have to find elsewhere)

Da' Kink In My Hair

Unknown Sister

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What the fuck is wrong with people????????

I fucking hate people.  Seriously, like all people, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with the world these days.  There is WAY too much hate out there.  I know I am a bit of a bleeding heart in this aspect, but I don’t understand why everyone can not just get along.  Ironically, when most people talk about this they are usually talking about the wars in the world.  That is not really what I mean.  What pisses me off the most is just day to day, one on one hate.  After all, how do you think most of these wars start…usually from one moron that finds other morons that share his point of view….Hitler anyone?  This is not what we are here for.  What a waste of energy.  What a waste of time.   Even though white people seem to be the worse offenders, this problem is NOT exclusive to them.

I guess since most or all of you reading this don’t know who I am, I do want to start by saying, I am white, Italian to be exact. 

SOME white people seem to be so fucking racist it makes me sick.  I know this, I work with the public, I see it every day.  You would be surprised (or maybe not) how freely some white people will speak nasty about other races when only other white people are around.  I literally, have had people I don’t even know, or have never met before in my life, will look around to make sure only other white people are around, and then say some stuff that I cannot even repost, as it would make me angry.   What the fuck gives them the right to be such ignorant bastards?  If I am just out in public and this happens, I will tell the person right where to go.  If I am at work, then I usually reply something to the effect of:  “I don’t feel the same way” and then basically will not say another nice word to them, ever again…..  

Of course, when talking here, I am being very general, like I said earlier, I am white, and do not share these views, and there are MANY more like me out there…..

Being in Canada, I always wondered why white people thought they were so fucking great.  They are not even the natives of this land.  Actually, this goes for the United States too.  Every fucking white person here is an immigrant of some kind, at some point.  Who the fuck are you to be able to say how people should look, what languages they should speak, who they should marry and who to pray to?  Who the hell do you think you are?  What until God gets hold of you, you nasty little fuckers, and see what he thinks about you treating something He created with hate.  Which brings me to my next point …….

You cannot, I repeat: CAN NOT believe in God AND be a racist.  The two do NOT go together.  How can you claim to love God AND also claim to hate SOMEONE He created?  God created ALL races….in fact, God only created ONE race, the human race, and man took that and twisted it into all kinds of racism.  Every single race, every one, has good, bad and indifferent in it.  You cannot peg a whole race on the actions of one person, or one hundred people, for that matter.   And what exactly is it that makes YOU superior to another race?  The fact that your ancestors lived further away from the equator so you don’t have as much pigment in your skin?  Really?  REALLY??  Grow up dumbass……

One other thing.  Some white people have learned that it is not politically correct to say things about black people in general, (although I don’t doubt behind closed doors they say what they really feel), but for some fucking reason, they think it is just fine to say things about other races…..what the fuck is up with that?  Seriously…..”Oh, don’t use the ‘N’ word, that is NOT cool”.  {Next breath} “Doesn’t some paki run that store?”  Its Pakistani you stupid fucktard, not only that, but not EVERY FUCKING brown person is from Pakistan.  Some are from India, some from Afghanistan, some are even from OTHER PLACES…..perhaps you should get your stupid ignorant ass an atlas and globe…… a racist is a racist is a racist….it doesn’t bloody matter what race you are ignorant to.

Now, lets move on to black people.  Again, I am speaking VERY generally.  And again, I will start by saying that my life partner, and all my children are black.  I am NOT a racist.  In fact, from reading the beginning of this post, you already know that.  Why is it that some black people think EVERYTHING is about race?   I have been called a racist several times in my life, including a few days ago…..and every single time, all I can do is sit there and be dumbfounded.  I will ALWAYS speak my mind and stick up for flat out racism like that, even against my own family, and yes, that has happened....although, I bet not where you would think it to come from....but that is a subject for another blog.  I hate when black people think everything is about race.  I even had a good friend one time that used to use that a little too often, and  I thought it was rather strange.  For example, one day she came downstairs to chat, and I was on the phone, having a very heated argument with a close friend.  She knocked on the door, and I answered, on the phone and clearly upset, and I told her it was not a good time (she lived in the apartment right above me), and that I was busy.  When I was done on the phone and had calmed down, I went upstairs to see her, and apologize for being hasty (but not rude), and her reply was something along the lines of “Oh I was wondering to myself, what, is she a racist?”  Really?  REALLY??  Because I was busy and upset you assume its cuz your black?  Even though I take care of your children like they are my own?  Really?  That just made me sad.

Now, let’s talk Jamaicans.  I love me some Jamaicans, but man, are those some homophobic people.  It’s like they teach it at school over there or something, for real.  Now, just for the record, neither my partner, nor any of our close friends are homophobic.  I don’t doubt we have some acquaintances that are, as I bet you, the reader, do as well, and might not even know it.  I don’t think I could be close friends with someone that was clearly a homophobe.  If you don’t care for homosexuals, that is your business, I might not care for you, but keep your stupid opinions to yourself, and don’t butt your nose into their business.  What business is it of yours who someone wants to sleep with....if it’s not you, your spouse, or your underage child, then guess what.....NOT YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS......

Whatever goes on between two consenting adult, is just that, CONSENTING, and if YOU are not involved, they don’t need YOUR consent.  See the pattern here?   And another thing, if you don’t like gay marriage, DON’T HAVE ONE! 

Now, it’s obviously not only Jamaicans, or black people for that matter that are homophobic, I have met many an uneducated white person too, but it is accepted more in the black community.  That is why there is a higher likelihood for black men to be ‘on the down low’.....

Insert random thought:  if society as a whole was not so homophobic, we would not have near as many gay people either lying to themselves or someone else, and not coming out until after they are married and have children with a partner they are not in love with. 

You know, it bothers me more so that Jamaicans have a problem with homosexuals than whites.....the way I look at it is this:  As a race of people that was horribly mistreated and oppressed throughout history, you would think they would have a little more compassion toward another minority.  Don’t we all bleed red, no matter the color of our skin or who we have sex with?  I thought “We The People” meant EVERYBODY, not just the ones that look and behave like you....

And those that go on about the Bible or God being the reason to hate gay people, think about these things.  If you are a follower of the Old Testament, then I certainly hope you follow ALL the rules set out in it, and not just harp on that one.  You are not a Christian, so I have a different belief system than you, and I won’t speak what I don’t know well.  One thing though, why would God make homosexuals if he did not love or want them?  If you don’t think people are born gay, read on, I will get to that later. 

If you are a Christian, that means you follow the New Testament, which is the word of Jesus Christ, son of our Lord.  This means two things.  Number one, chances are, you wear mixed fabrics (Leviticus 19:19), eat pork (Leviticus 11:17), eat shellfish (Leviticus 11:11), or work on Sunday (Exodus 35:2).  All of which is written in the same book as the verses about homosexuality being an abomination.  All these other things are an abomination as well....so, which is it? You cannot have it both ways. And those are only the ones I picked out, you can find many, many more.  Secondly, it means you have to love one another and not hate anyone. THAT is what Jesus says.  

Why waste your time hating another group anyway…..where has that ever gotten us in society…..It just makes you look ignorant and uneducated…..and the sad truth is, when brought to task to argue your point, I have NEVER seen someone that is being prejudice actually win an argument, as there is no basis. 


Talking specifically about homosexuality now, or I guess race as well, how can you hate someone for being born a certain way?  Homosexuals do not control their sexual orientation any more than you control your skin or eye color.  Some people think that gay people choose to be that way.  I am shocked to know that some people did not know that it is something that happens in the womb.   There are so many points to this, it’s almost silly.

First of all…..who the hell would CHOOSE to be something that makes you a second class citizen in most places?    Who would choose to be something not always socially accepted?  Who would choose to have to struggle to tell their family and friends?   Who would choose to be outcast, and possibly homeless when their parents don’t understand?  Homosexuals have twice the rate of suicide attempts.  This is because they live in a society where they are told that something is wrong with them.  They live in a society where some of them would rather be married, or not date at all so nobody knows, they live in a society were some of them would rather be dead.  How terrible is that?  Society in general should be ashamed of itself, for the treatment homosexuals over the years….among 5 million other things…..

Secondly, have you never seen that VERY gay 4 year old?  You know the one I am talking about, that at 4 he is wanting to play Barbie instead of trucks?  And at 6 wants to try on his moms new shoes?  And at 10 wants to hang out with all girls cuz the boys don’t share the same interests in him?  And at 14 does not date at all cuz he is confused as to what is going on?  And at 16 still has a high voice and NO interest whatsoever in girls?  Do you think at 4 years old he decided he wanted to be gay?  Really?   REALLY??  If you answered yes to that question, then I am sorry to tell you, but, you truly are a fucking moron.   A lot of parents of gay children, know their child are gay before they are even told……not always, but sometimes it is obvious right from the get go.  Some homosexuals you cannot outwardly tell, but they are still gay from the beginning, they are just not so ‘affected’…..

Third thing, if you think being gay is a choice, think of it this way…..could you (assuming you are straight) just choose to sleep with someone of the same sex?   If the thought of that turns you off, or even makes you sick….could you choose it?  I didn’t think so….nuff said.  If you didn’t understand that, you’re beyond help.

Another thing.  Nobody is married for twenty years and then decides to become gay.  They were ALWAYS gay, they just either did not know it themselves, or are hiding due to the stupid society we live in.   

I guess that is a long enough blog for this time around….I could go on and on, but I think anyone reading gets the general point….if any of this offended you, I don’t apologize, as it’s all true.  Please, leave me your comments, and thoughts….til  next time…..A LUTA CONTINUA…..

Unknown Sister 

P.S. - I have no idea why three paragraph in the middle are all in caps,I have just spent half and hour trying to figure it out, and can not, so I have just left it, but it was not meant to be that way.....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life will calm down next week....I think....

Once again, it is time for Top Ten Tuesday......and once again, I have no new blog to view....but I am PRETTY sure that life will slow down slightly in the next week......I have been working on a new blog for a few days, and pretty expressive and heartfelt one...hopefully I dont offend too many people...but then again, I dont care, that is why I am here, to speak my mind, and do I ever....

I am hoping to have the new blog up Sunday morning at the latest....but it might be before that....in the meantime, here is this weeks top ten to tide you all over....

Top Ten Movies I Hate

Black Swan

The Fourth Kind

The Devil's Rejects


10,000 B.C.


The Black Dahlia

The Hills Have Eyes

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Lost In Translation

Unknown Sister

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

So sorry I didn't have time to write a blog this week, but at least wanted to drop the top ten for the week....hope everyone is wonderful, will write a new post in a couple of days.....

Top Ten Movies I Love

Brokeback Mountain
Hostel 2
If These Walls Could Talk 2
American Wedding


Hard Candy

The Blind Side

Hannibal Rising

Unknown Sister

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's up out there? Top Ten Tuesday....

Hello again out there.....

This last week has been eventful, but fun.  Saturday I had a poker party for my birthday, and it was much fun.  Although, most of my friends run on CP time (coloured people time), so even though I said dinner at 6pm, I still had people arriving up to 8pm.  We had a bite to eat, well, a few bites, lol...and smoked a couple of blunts, and played a few games of cards.  My one friend’s DIL even made me cupcakes decorated like the Italia flag!  That made my night.  I was slightly worried beforehand, as there was tons of drama the day or two before the party, lasting right up to the afternoon of, but once we got started, it was all smooth sailing, thank God.  This is the group of people I call my ghetto framily. Framily means, more than friends, not quite family.  Although, there are a few I would consider straight up family. 

I don’t have much natural family.  I have two children, one birth child, and one adopted.  I have one sister that I speak with, but she lives far into the states, and we are not all that close.  I have three other siblings, but I don’t know, or care to know, where they are.  That is a topic for another blog.  Both my parents are deceased, my father way too soon, my mother, not soon enough.  I have some family that lives pretty close to me, one city over, but my mother made sure she killed that relationship before she died.  I chat with one or two of them on facebook from time to time, but that is about it.  The framily I  have is way closer to me than those.  Sometimes I feel pretty alone in the world.  Most times, I love to be alone, but the world is a big place.  I have a partner, that is wonderful, but we have a complicated relationship. In this blog, I call him D2.  He would do anything for me, as I would him, and he listens very well, lol.  He says he cannot live without me and even though I identify as a lesbian, I love him very much, just not that way he wants.....

In the last few years, I have lost a few friends as well, one I truly miss, but she hurt me deeply.  The other four, I think my life is easier and less stressful without and although at times I miss them for certain things they did, overall, I do not regret for ten seconds they are gone.   I also have several friends left from grade school.  You don’t see that too often, but I have about five that I talk to on a regular basis and another five or so I see a few times a year.  I have one close friend that I have been through lots with, I call her R.  I love her like a sister.  I want to send her a card this week telling her how much I love her and miss her.  We have had two totally different lives, in every way you can think, but that never torn us apart. 

I think this week I will also write a letter to Buju.  I know he probably gets tons a day, but given his current situation, he doesn’t have much else to do.  I hope he is keeping well.  I know its kinda strange to be so invested in someone I don’t actually know, but his music has been with me for the last 15+ years, and at times, has carried me through a lot. 

Well, I must get on with my day, I have a few jobs I want to do, before going to the movies tonight with my kids, to see Hall Pass.  On that note, I will leave you with this weeks Top Ten Tuesday:

Top Ten Books I Love

The Book Of Negroes

Gone, But Not Forgotten

Exit To Eden

Here’s The Deal, Don’t Touch Me

The Green Mile

A Child Called “It”

Michelle Remembers

The Perfect Victim

Slow Death

Are You There Alone?: The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates

Unknown Sister